Thursday, July 28, 2011

The difference is

Have you ever been hungry but can't eat? Like, it makes you wanna up chuck it again? I think I am having one of those times again. It sucks because most people think that I am turning anorexic. And I'm not. Ever since my late boyfriend passed, I haven't been eating or sleeping well. It's really starting to piss me off. Because when I wake up in the mornings, it feels like someone is ripping open my stomach.
I'm happy my grandma taught me a trick. she said. "Whenever you wake up, even if you can't eat, at least drink a cup of milk. It'll help you eat." And she's right. The pain goes away and then I kinda wanna eat something. But of course I instantly get no appetite or get so busy i forget to eat.
If anyone has the same experience, leave a comment and we can figure out a way to help ourselves. Cause frankly, its pissing me off.


  1. Pipa I had the same problem a long time ago when the most beautiful girl in the world left me. You see, she had cancer and became terminal very quickly in life. It's maybe not my place to just randomly share her story, but she was definitely a part of my life and one that I'll surely miss wherever I go.

    Even so, you have issues eating. I did too. What your grandmother told you is a very effective way, milk has hormones which help promote appetite. For people like us who came from a shock to our lives of losing someone it's hard to continue normal life, it's not that you're going anorexic, it's that you're still recovering. People around you should understand you were in love with your boyfriend and he meant something special to you and losing him isn't going to put you in a very particularly sound state of mind. I contemplated myself for the longest times after my girl passed away, the many ways I'd love to just cease to exist. But I couldn't because someone, a really close friend reminded me, "You live right now, in her place. She died at a young age and it's your duty as her lover to see that you have a long life for her and yourself."

    When you sit down to eat, please remember that you need to be healthy for his sake and your own, and if you find that you can't do it at first, it's perfectly okay. <3

    I'll be around to see how you're doing,


  2. @Anonymous. That's how he passed away too. He had cancer that progressed quickly. Thank you for what you have written. I'll write a following blog in a few weeks as a progress report.
