Friday, September 2, 2011


I've been trying to be on a vegetarian diet for about a month and it hasn't been going that well. Finding alternatives for meat in my house is like searching for Narnia sometimes. Considering that when we have peanut butter, eggs and milk in my home, they tend to get consumed quickly. Now since protein is very essential for a person, my body starting feeling sluggish and weak. I have tried time and time again to eat lately and its been kinda hard. Considering my lack of protein, my stomach is having a hard time digesting. So pretty much the easiest thing for me to consume is anything liquid at the moment. Don't get me wrong, I try to eat solid foods, its just a bit hard because it makes my stomach hurt and I want to stop eating. I do have to say that I have lost some weight. Even though I wish I would have lost it in a healthier way. At my heaviest, I was 180 pounds. I am somewhat proud to say that I have dropped between 167-170. It's actually kinda noticeable because its mostly been in my waist and my face.

If you're reading this and thinking, "Man, why does she keep doing on and on about this?" Just remember, you're the one who's reading it. No one is forcing you.

More bitching time. I've noticed lately that whenever I say something that's on my mind, Some people like to get pissy and mad at me for either stating the truth or whatever was on my mind. And it's getting annoying. If you're gonna be pissed at me for saying that something happened, why don't you just suck it up and accept it, instead of making me look like the bad guy? I mean really? What are you? A child? Lots of question marks wooooooo~~

Eh now I'm just typing just to type, I'm bored and it's 12:11 A.M. I have nothing better to do and I haven't really written anything on here for a while. La lalalala. I'm excited for school. My financial aid finally went through and it's only a matter of time until I get my dorm and start in October. And the coolest part is that a family friend has a sister who is a professional makeup artist. So I may or may not learn some tools of the trade from her. Here is her web site Sarah Lucero. Well, thanks for reading :)