Wednesday, April 3, 2013

New Friends

To put things lightly. I'm bored out of my mind and need friends. How do normal people make friends? They chat and have a nice greeting and conversation. How do I make friends? I stare at you for god knows how long and finally get the courage to say hi and introduce myself. I then feel stupid and give up. HOW DO I CHANGE THIS NONSENSE?!

I don't know, but someday my awkwardness will make me suffer if I can't find a way to make people love me.

I have started college up where I live now, and it's a bit easier; nevertheless, I still can't talk right to people. I don't know if it's me, though i'm 70% sure it is, or if they are as awkward as I am.

Any suggestion!?

1 comment:

  1. Keep going back to them until your brain gets used to them, then you'll begin to trust them more with saying more things and they will get used to you. And that is how you make friends, just get used to them. It takes longer for some people, and a lot of times the people I always thought I wanted to be friends weren't a very good fit, so I couldn't really get used to them.
