Friday, January 6, 2012


Greeting's. I know it's been a while but things on this end have been kinda hectic. So here I am, writing you another post. And it's about traffic. We all know traffic sucks balls, especially when you seem to be stuck in it, for what seems like hours; nonetheless, we all have our moments when it comes to driving in it. Personally, I hate it to the very core of my being. Some days I get so angry I wish my car was a bumper car and hit the person in front of me.  
It sometimes startles me how angry I become. Traffic is just one of those things that I can't handle. And the worst part is, is that I go to school in Hollywood. Fucking Hollywood of all places. Not that it's bad or anything. I just have to drive a 1 and a half to 2 hour drive. Which is during the rush hour times. I leave my house at 7, arrive at 9, start class at 10, and leave at 5. The morning drive can be pretty ok until I hit Hollywood. I spend a half hour stuck behind people who don't go very fast up a small incline. 
I remember a time when I had just gotten to the I-10 and I saw one of those electronic signs stating that it would be 15 minutes to my exit. I was pretty happy, I'd get to be home sooner. But no. I was stuck in that traffic for 2 hours. 2 freaking hours. I was pissed beyond all belief. I nearly cried because I was so hungry and tired. There was no accidents, no fires, nothing that would have made it so bad that it caused to take so long. The worst part was getting to my exit. We were barely moving at all and no one wanted to let someone else in front of them. When I finally did exit, the freeway I got on to was nearly empty. I lost my shit. If anyone got in front of me and go slower, I would flash my brights at them in rage, screaming in the car.  
I have very bad anger problems when I drive. I don't act crazy and swerve by people or anything like that. just mostly yell to let out the angry, vicious beast that lies within.

1 comment:

  1. One day you will be stuck with absolutely no movement in traffic for three hours. On that day, You will learn traffic zen.
